Alex Mepham
PhD Student &
Award-Winning Writer
Alex Mepham is a PhD student investigating how background noise impacts speech understanding.Alex is also an award-winning writer, receiving
the Northern Debut Award for Poetry
by New Writing North in 2023.Alex currently lives in York, UK.
Alt text for accompanying image: Grainy black and white image of a bearded person looking at an angle away from the camera.
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Alex Mepham
PhD Student
Alex Mepham is a PhD student investigating how background noise impacts speech understanding.Current project: Cognitive Listening: Investigating speech perception in noise within a cognitive framework.
(funded by the Leverhulme Trust).
Alt text for accompanying image: Grainy black and white image of a bearded person looking at an angle away from the camera.
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2022). The time-course of linguistic interference during native and non-native speech-in-speech listening. J Acoust Soc Am. 152(2), 954-969. Link
Mepham, A., McGarrigle, R., Rakusen, L., & Mattys, S. L. (2021, preregistration). Listening effort cost from informational interference. (OSF Preregistration: Link)
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2020). Release in linguistic masking changes over time: Differences between native and non-native listeners. J Acoust Soc Am, 148(4), 2721. Link
Mepham, A. (2022, 01 Nov). The adaptation time-course of speech perception and listening effort in noise. Invited Speaker at the Inaugural Psycholinguistics@York Event, University of York, UK.
Mepham, A., McGarrigle, R., Knight, S., Rakusen, L., & Mattys, S. L. (2022, 09 Sep). Trade-offs between performance and effort during lis-tening in adverse conditions. Poster presentation at the 28th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), York, UK.
Mepham, A., McGarrigle, R., Knight, S., Rakusen, L., & Mattys, S. L. (2022, 07 Jul). Trade-offs between performance and effort during lis-tening in adverse conditions. Poster presentation at the 6th Université Franco-Allemande Deutsche-Französische Hochschule Summer School: Coping with the complexity in speech production and perception, Chorin, Germany.
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2021, 24 Aug). Changes in informational interference over time: Differences between native and non-native speakers. Short talk at the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark (Online).
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2021, 29 Jun). Changes in informational interference over time: Differences between native and non-native speakers. Spoken presentation at the Postgraduate Research Conference, University of York, York (Online).
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2021, 6-7 Jan). Changes in release from linguistic masking over time: Differences between native and non-native speakers. Poster presented at the Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, UCL, London, UK (Online).
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2020, 10 Dec). Release in linguistic masking changes over time: differences between native and non-native listeners. Poster presented at the Acoustical Society of America Acoustics Virtually Everywhere Conference (Online).
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2020, 21 Nov). An analysis of the time-course of release from informational masking in native and non-native speakers. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 61st Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, USA (Online).
Mepham, A., Bi, Y., & Mattys, S. L. (2020, 10 Nov). Changes in release from linguistic masking over time: Differences between native and non-native speakers. White Rose Doctoral Training Program (WRDTP) Welcome Event, WRDTP (Online). // First Prize in Poster Competition
Public Speaking:
Mattys, S., McGarrigle, R., Knight, S., Mepham, A., & Rakusen, L. (2021, 11 Jun). The Listening Brain. Online talk as part of the York Festival of Ideas, York, UK (Online).
Mepham, A. (2020, 09 Dec). Studying Psychology and the Science of Hearing: Part II. Invited Speaker as part of the Sixth Form Psychology Seminar series, Simon Langton Girl's Grammar School, Canterbury, UK (Online).
Mepham, A. (2020, 18 Nov). Studying Psychology and the Science of Hearing: Part I. Invited Speaker as part of the Sixth Form Psychology Seminar series, Simon Langton Girl's Grammar School, Canterbury, UK (Online).
Mepham, A. (2020, 13 Mar). The Science of Hearing. Talk given as part of the York Next Step series, University of York, UK.
Mepham, A. (2020, 08 Feb). The Science of Hearing. Talk given at YorNight 2020, York Barbican, UK.
Mepham, A. (2019, 08 Dec). The Science of Hearing. Mini-lecture given as part of the Roots to Success series, University of York, UK.
Alex Mepham
Alex Mepham mainly writes poems
but also translates poems
and sometimes writes non-poems
Alt text for accompanying image: Grainy black and white image of a bearded person looking at an angle away from the camera.
Awards / Development
Winner: Northern Debut Award for Poetry. New Writing North, 2023.
Winner: Emerging Poets Development Scheme. Out-Spoken Press, 2023-2024.
3rd Place: Disabled Poets Prize. Spread the Word, 2024.
Shortlisted: Disabled Poets Prize. Spread the Word, 2025.
Shortlisted: 2024 Creative Writing Award: Poetry. Aesthetica Magazine, 2024.
Shortlisted: The Tempest Prize. New Writing North, 2024.
Shortlisted: Prototype Development Programme. Prototype Publishing x New Writing North, 2024.
Longlisted (x2): 2024 Poetry Prize. The London Magazine, 2024.
Longlisted: 2023 National Poetry Competition. The Poetry Society, 2024.
Highly Commended: Primers Vol. 7. Nine Arches Press, 2023.
Mentee: Emerging Translator Mentorship. National Centre for Writing, 2023-2024.
Critic: Critics Collective. Manchester Metropolitan University, 2024.
Commissions / Readings
Reading. International Literature Festival Dublin: Launch of The Stinging Fly Issue 50. Dublin. 18 May 2024.
Reading. National Centre for Writing: Meet the Future of Literary Translation. Online. 28 Mar 2024. Livestream: 16:30-19:00.
Reading. York Literature Festival 2024: Howl Out Open Mic. Headline: Alex Mepham. The Blue Boar, York. 28 Mar 2024.
Reading. Disabled Poets Prize 2024 Awards Announcement. Deptford Literature Festival (Online). 16 Mar 2024.
Commission: 'What Proof' for PROOF III, 1-3 Nov 2023. Press Release.
Reading. Charlotte Shevchenko Knight, Janine Bradbury & Alex Mepham. Rise:Up, Bluebird Bakery, York. 25 Oct 2023.
Reading. Magma 80: Avatars Launch. Online. 16 Jul 2021.
Poetry Editor, Queerlings, Issues 7 & 8, 2023.
Guest Editor, Carmen et Error, Issues 7.0 & 7.5, Nov - Dec 2023.
Poetry Reader, Kitchen Table Quarterly, Jan 2022 - Jul 2023.
Selected Publications
the uncles. The Poetry Review, Vol 115, No 1, Spring 2025, Mar 2025. Translation
Carcass of Beef, 1926. Aesthetica Creative Writing Award 2025 Anthology, Dec 2024. Poem
Two Poems. And Other Poems (UK), Issue Four, Aug 2024. Poems
+ The Rope
+ The RoofWhat Else Will You Love Me Despite? Review of Armen Davoudian's The Palace of Forty Pillars. PN Review 278 (UK), Issue 50, Number 6, July-August 2024. Criticism
Three Poems. PROTOTYPE 6, Prototype Publishing (UK), Jul 2024. Poems
+ Live in Truth
+ Apostate Encounters the Rat Virgin
+ Apostate Addressed by the VoicesUlvsvann (ii.). Under the Radar (UK), Issue 33, Jun 2024. Poem
Tell Us About the Fire. The Stinging Fly (IE), Issue 50: Summer 2024, May 2024. Poem
Priya Bains: Introduction and Two Poems. Emerging Literary Translators 2024, National Centre for Writing (UK), Mar 2024. Translations
+ I. Introduction
+ II. Excerpt of 'the uncles' from With the Rest of My Hands
+ III. Excerpt of 'lily of the valley (after mother)' from With the Rest of My HandsDark Matter. Awarded 3rd Place in the Spread the Word: Disabled Poets Prize, Feb 2024. Poem
From the Malton Train, 14 Magazine (UK), Series Two, Issue 4, Oct 2023. Poem
Butter, fourteen poems (UK), Issue 11, Aug 2023. Poem
Three Poems. Dreich (UK), SEASON 6 (8), Jul 2023. Poems
+ I. The Prophet
+ II. The Guard
+ III. The Knitting GroupNorthern Light. Full Bleed (US), Issue 6, Jun 2023. Poem
Ulvsvann (iii.). Carmen et Error (UK), Issue 5.0, Jun 2023. Poem
Ulvsvann (i.). Púca Magazine (IE), Issue 4, May 2023. Poem
Discord. t'ART Press (UK), Issue 5, Apr 2023. Poem
A Large Size in Stockings is Hard to Sell: A Guided Meditation Courtesy of the Institute of Electricians and Electronics Engineers. Rat World Magazine (NZ), Issue 5, Apr 2023. Poetic Essay
To the Salmon I Ate at Christmas. Ink Sweat and Tears (UK), 12 Days of Christmas 2022: On the Eleventh Day of Christmas..., Dec 2022. Poem
Memorial. berlin lit (DE), Issue 2, Dec 2022. Poem
Four Poems. Empyrean Literary Magazine (US), Vol 1 (4), Dec 2022. Poems
+ I. The Lover [online]
+ II. In Search of Eggs [online]
+ III. Letter from a Lone Soldier [print]
+ IV. State of the Nation [print]Shame. Magma (UK) 80: Avatars, Jul 2021. Poem
Gunvor Hofmo. Modern Poetry in Translation (UK), Nov 2020. Translation
Biography and two translations:
+ I. I want to lead the army [Jeg vil lede hæren]
+ II. God doesn't talk [Gud taler ikke]
Alex Mepham
Contact / Book for Events
Please find LinkedIn & Twitter
contact details on the homepage.Alternatively, send a message to Alex at:am2050 [at] york [dot] ac [dot] uk
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Alt text for accompanying image: Grainy black and white image of a bearded person looking at an angle away from the camera.